Calendrier des parents

lundi 1 avril 2019

Tous en bleus le 2 avril 2019

Cette année, nous soulignerons la Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à l’autisme
le mardi 2 avril 2019.
Qu’est-ce que la Levée du drapeau?
La campagne de Levée du drapeau mise sur un geste tout simple – celui de hisser un drapeau – pour rassembler des familles, des écoles, des professionnels et des représentants du gouvernement et les amener à souligner ensemble la Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à l’autisme et à mettre en lumière les défis et les réussites que vivent les personnes touchées par un trouble du spectre de l’autisme.

Unissez vos efforts aux nôtres pour que votre école et votre collectivité soient plus inclusives pour les personnes qui vivent avec l’autisme!

Nous aurons aussi une vente de biscuits (1$/chacun) et les dons amassés seront remis à Autisme Ontario.

Infolettre de santé public (anglais seulement)

For Families:

New Resource for Youth! Our mouth is the link to our entire bodies and overall health. How well we clean our teeth, what we choose to eat and drink, and our personal habits all have a major impact on our oral health. It is important for youth to know that tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and sexual activity can have an impact on their oral health as well. To learn how these aspects of our lifestyle can affect the teeth and tissues of our mouth, check out “Healthy Mouth: 101” at

Did you know? Triple P Parenting has an ONLINE program for parents of toddlers through tweens.  Get parenting strategies in your PJs!  Learn WHEN you want, WHERE you want! Here’s what one parent says To sign up at no cost, call 1-800-660-5853 or emailtriplep@healthunit.orgWhat will your happier home look like?

Let’s talk about your social support system: Did you know who you spend time with can support your health?  Healthy relationships and the opportunity to share in community life is a social determinant of health.  In Leeds, Grenville and Lanark, 71% of people report having a strong sense of community. Who do you enjoy time with or turn to for help?  Family, friend, neighbour, co-worker, fellow parishioner, community service provider? For more information on social support systems, visit or call 1-800-660-5853.

Lyme Disease is Preventable. Ticks that may carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease are now found throughout our region. As temperatures rise above 4°C ticks become active and begin to look for a blood meal.  While not all ticks carry the bacteria, if an infected tick bites you and remains attached for over 24 hours you may be at an increased risk of getting Lyme disease. Lyme disease is preventable. Always do a tick check when you return from the outdoors and remove ticks promptly. For more information visit